NightVISIONS Dreamwork


Why Dreamwork …

Once you’ve got your insomnia under control and are sleeping well most nights, you will start to experience dreaming.

Your dreams may be wonderful, magical, intriguing, mysterious or frightening. Sometimes you will know right away what a dream is all about but many times you’ll have no idea …

What do you do about this? You know your dreams have something to tell you …. but what?

How can you figure it out?

Dreamwork is one of the ways psychosynthesis helps you understand and use your dreams to move forward in your journey to a more fulfilling life.

NightVISIONS is a method of dreamwork that was developed by Diana Mehida and me in 1986 to give dreamers theory and techniques for developing the unique language of your own specific dreams. You will learn how to remember your dreams, how to properly record them, how to build a dream vocabulary and learn to understand what your dreams are telling you.

If this sounds like it would work for you, go to the Schedule Appointment page to get your questions answered and to set up your first session.

NOTE **** If you are experiencing nightmares, keep a record of these (date, time, factual content and your emotions) and sign up for the Oasis GROW Plan. I will guide you to get these under control!



To dream, first you need to sleep….

Some things to try:

01 : No caffeine for several hours before retiring, depending on your specific caffein tolerance. You may need to cut it off by lunchtime.

02 : No alcohol less than 3 hours before bedtime. Alcohol may knock you out at first, but it rebounds in the middle of the night - you’re wide awake at 3am.

03 : No screen time for at least an hour before retiring.

04 : Read something positive, a short story, poetry, essays; nothing heavy.

05: Get at least a half hour of exercise towards the end of your day.

06: Make peace with any family member or friend you’ve had a disagreement with.

07: Try to avoid falling asleep / taking a nap during the day.

08: Only use your bed for sleeping and intimate relations - don’t read, watch tv, do puzzles, or any other activities in bed.

09: If you find yourself worrying and your is mind racing in the middle of the night, get up, write down whatever is on your mind, have a drink of water, non-caffein tea, or milk, and go back to bed. If this happens a lot - 2 or 3 times a night for weeks or even months at a time - schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. If your healthcare provider doesn’t find a medical issue, consider therapy or the Oasis GROW Plan.

10. Stick to a regular sleep schedule.

11. Some medications also interrupt your sleep - diuretics, antidepressants and others. Check with your health care provider.

12. Join our weekly no-cost meditation group for guided meditations that are very much like lucid dreaming (when you are fully aware you are dreaming). To register , send an email to oasisinthestorm@gmail.com

13. If nothing works and you’ve tried all of these ideas, consider therapy or the Oasis GROW Plan.